Saturday, September 25, 2010

Co-teaching TCED1111

Co teaching TCED1111 Learning in the 21st Century with Carole and An is a continuing weekly pleasure. The classes are well structured but create an informal and fun learning and teaching environment. Carole leads the classes which include a variety of lively learning activities, such as mindware puzzles and  discussions. An, the peer mentor, also runs a weekly activity and brings news of 'student life' activities and encourages students to particpate in social activities. I aim to support an inquiry-based approach to the group and individual project work, as students simulataneaously learn about their topic and develop critical information using practices (yes, informed learning!)  

The focus is on enabling students to understand how learning happens and their brains 'work', and how their social environment impacts on their learning - with a view to to developing supportive and collaborative relationships with their peers, and strategies for managing their own health and general wellbeing.  The students are generally responsive to the new ideas and ways of working that we keep introducing. It's been so heartening over the last 5 weeks to watch their growing confidence to intereact with eachother and willingness to share thoughts and feelings. This mutual nurturing is critically important, since individual students are experiencing various challenges, both in their transition to university and their personal lives (some quite severe). 

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